As a child I always loved drawing and creating things with my hands, but art lessons in school never really inspired me.
As with many people, life and the need to make a living got in the way. I paid lip-service to my creative side by drawing cartoons and cards for my friends and colleagues.
I was often asked, “Why don’t you do this for a living?” The answer was that, while many people wanted the drawings, very few wanted to pay for them!
Many years later, I felt the need to do something new and to fulfil my creative side.
I found silversmithing and fell in love with it.
Now I love nothing better than looking for inspiration and materials wherever I can find them – especially on Gower’s stunning beaches.
I work in silver and copper, sometimes repurposing old silver cutlery or making a piece around a gemstone or piece of sea glass which has fired my imagination.
Commissions are very welcome – creating a bespoke piece to a client’s brief can be challenging, but very satisfying.
And “Bitey Crab”?
That’s the crab that bit Grandad – the funniest thing my 2 year old granddaughter had ever seen!
What else was I going to call my business?
Selected Works by Steve Jones