Susie Wild is author of the poetry collections Windfalls and Better Houses, the short story collection The Art of Contraception listed for the Edge Hill Prize, and the novella Arrivals. She has placed in competitions including the Welshpool Poetry Festival Competition, the Prole Laureate Prize and the Mslexia Women’s Poetry Competition and performed at festivals including Hay Festival, The Laugharne Weekend, Green Man and Glastonbury.

‘Powerful, beautifully crafted poems…’  – Jonathan Edwards

‘Wild comes across as the poetic equivalent of Jean Rhys: wry, arch, a little world-weary but, unlike Rhys, with a sparkling glint of humour… A very affecting collection of poems indeed.’  Buzz Magazine

‘This latest collection by Susie Wild is substantial, touching, entertaining and very fresh; […] love and life fall and decay but also one finds strange, unexpected gifts.’ – Gwales

‘Wild is an excellent poet … For well-crafted and enjoyable poetry, you could not do much better.’ – the welsh agenda

‘Susie’s poetry has really distinctive appeal, with its playful, inventive phrasing and unexpected imagery, taking on almost any subject full-pelt as a conjuror of words. With her intense focus, Susie Wild can transform the everyday, the ordinary – a walk in the park, bouncing on a trampoline, a traumatic break-up, into a vibrant, often humorous and surreal poem, taking us into multiple situations, both challenging and provoking us as readers. The poems in Better Houses and Windfalls have a stripped-back, seamless and finished quality, reflected in her work with Parthian, where she edits Mari Ellis Dunning, Natalie Ann Holborow and Rae Howells, some of our favourite Welsh poets.’ – Matthew M C Smith, #TheCodex, Broken Spine Arts

Selected Works by Susie Wild